Hello everyone! Steph’s intern here with a boatload of Harley Quinn announcements! 2022 is Harley’s 30th year as a DC character, and she’s getting the best birthday present: her own event. In August, Harley Quinn is going weekly, starting with issue 18 and ending with the Harley 2022 annual. That’s right—5 weeks of all Harley. If that wasn’t cool enough, she’ll be leading her own Task Force on a mission to space! More specifically, an old Justice League of America Moon Base. This will be an epic five-part story beginning on August 2nd and ending on August 30th. Check out the info for the issues below.
Harley Quinn #18
Official Solicit: “One small step for the Gotham villains, one giant leap for clown-kind! That's right…this fashionably vocal clown is headed to space. Turns out there's some old experiment left in the JLA moon base, and Luke Fox has put together a team of former villains to help clean up the mess. Sendin' a buncha villains to the moon…? What could go right? Join me, Killer Frost, Bronze Tiger, Solomon Grundy, and more as we learn to moonwalk and put the X in Task Force XX!”
Harley Quinn issue #18 cover A by Jonboy Meyers:
Harley Quinn #19
Official Solicit: “Clown's log, stardate 2022. Our mission is going perfectly, as long as you ignore that missile that the U.S. military launched at our spacecraft; the mysterious, unknown creature running wild on the JLA moon base; and Solomon Grundy losing his lunch all over Bronze Tiger. So, other than all that…things are great! So, hey, this Harley Quinn event sure is rocketing forward! Space puns, dead ahead!”
Harley Quinn issue #19 cover A by Jonboy Meyers:
Harley Quinn #20
Official Solicit: “I went to the moon to eat cheese and fight aliens…and I'm all outta cheese. Actually, there wasn't any cheese. I think that's a myth…but aliens, hooo boy, do we have aliens! Horace Reginald Giger would be proud! What? No…I'm positive that's what "H.R." stands for. Anyway, this alien-monster-thing might not get a chance to devour Task Force XX, because we're probably gonna kill each other first. What'd you expect, sendin' a buncha angry villains to space without any cheese?
I warned ya! The Harley Quinn and Task Force XX space event you've always needed continues here. Cheese not included.”
Harley Quinn issue #20 cover A by Jonboy Meyers:
Harley Quinn #21
Official Solicit: “Nuke it from orbit…is what we shoulda done to this whole entire moon. Who needs a moon anyway? I blame Luke Fox for sending a team of villains into space to fight a horrific alien monster in the first place. Obviously, that was just never going to work out well. Has Luke ever seen a sci-fi movie? And now you're expectin' me to save Earth with just my super-awesome-mallet-of-alien- skull-crashing-madness™? Okay, you asked for it…”
Harley Quinn issue #21 cover A by Jonboy Meyers:
Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1
Official Solicit: “Do you know what ol' Grandma Quinzel used to say? "Live long and fight alien monsters to save Earth!" She was full of wisdom like that. And only Task Force XX can save our little blue marble from suffering a full-scale alien takeover! Not all of us are going to survive, but at least we'll look really good dying thanks to Luke Fox providin' some new gear. Tune in for the final installment of Harley Quinn's Task Force XX Space Extravaganza, plus the start of a new status quo for Harley Quinn!”
Harley Quinn 2022 Annual issue #1 cover A by David Lafuente:
Look forward to all the Harley coming your way! That’s all for this week!